Welcome! We are so glad you are here!
The Vision Christian Writing Conference is the response to the devastating news that Mt. Hermon was ceasing their legacy 50-year writing conference at the beginning of the pandemic.
We mourned right along with the rest of the writing world at the loss of this important and iconic annual event. And we hoped for two years that someone would step in to resurrect the conference in some form.
Apparently, God was waiting for Robynne Elizabeth Miller, Director, and Ian Feavearyear, Assistant Director, to step into the gap. In May of 2021, they did just that.
The intent of the conference is to honor the legacy of the original, while also working to meet the growing and changing needs of the Christian writing community.
The Vision Christian Writers Conference is meant to be five primary things:
- An event dedicated to and prioritizing Christ in all we do, beginning with vibrant worship, inspiring speakers, and excellent teaching,
- An annual gathering of collaborative, mutually encouraging writers focused on improving their skills, networking with professionals, and enjoying the fellowship of like-minded folks,
- A growing, vibrant community intent on the hard and holy work of writing,
- A place to come as you are, at whatever stage of writing you are, and soak in the atmosphere, move to the next level in your craft, and find actionable next steps for your journey,
- A place to step into the calling of “writer,” to understand all the blessings and possibilities that title contains, and to learn how to pursue that calling in a way that honors God, blesses others, and leaves the end results to Jesus.
Conference Team

Robynne Elizabeth Miller, MFA: Director
Robynne holds a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction and Fiction and a B.A. in English Literature. Agented with Books and Such, she is the author of ten books and countless articles and essays, including Finding Common Ground: One Octogenarian’s Quest to Help our Nation Heal, The Three Faces of Nellie, and her latest project, Tennessee Wildcat: On the Trail of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Mr. Edwards (2023), as well as a speaker, writing/publishing coach, and mentor for both traditionally and self-published authors.
When she’s not writing, directing the conference, coaching, or consulting, Robynne serves as the board president of Inspire Christian Writers and enjoys her amazing British husband, beautiful brood of adopted and biological children, and all things cooking.
She also consults on the development of writing conferences and programs, from one day workshops to multi-day full conferences. You know, because she has nothing else to do.
The reason behind all this writing-related stuff is her passion for helping writers bring their stories and messages into the world. With a “Team Jesus” approach, she works hard to create an atmosphere of collaboration in which top industry professionals and even the very newest authors come together to learn, create, and maybe even publish.

Ian Feavearyear, J.D.: Assistant Director
Ian, a native of the rural county of Suffolk, England, earned his Juris Doctor from Concord Law School and holds a paralegal certification as well as a B.A. in psychology. A former professional genealogist, he is an avid historical researcher, with a particular interest in the opening of the West and homesteading.
Ian was lead researcher for the book The Three Faces of Nellie and his first joint-authored book will be published in 2023.
Ian is both the blog and membership director of Inspire Christian Writers as well as being their general tech guru.
In his spare time, Ian loves reading, researching, exploring backroads, and visiting remote cemeteries.