Announcing our 2023 Conference Faculty

We are so excited to be able to announce our full 2023 conference faculty. We will almost certainly be adding a few more faces to the list over the coming days and weeks, but here is our current lineup.

Speakers and Worship Leader

David A. R. White
special guest keynote speaker

Todd Tilghman
worship leader

Robynne Miller
additional keynote speaker

James L. Rubart
additional keynote speaker

Bob Hostetler
guest pastor (Sunday morning message)

Major Morning Track Faculty

Cindy Coloma

Jesse Florea
writing for children (1 session)

Stacy Hawkins Adams

Linda Howard
writing for children (3 sessions)

James L. Rubart
professional track

Marci Seither
short form nonfiction

Mentoring Faculty

Kim Bangs
Rachel McRae
Cynthia Ruchti
Mick Silva

Specialty Faculty

Tricia Goyer

Workshop Faculty

Leann Barna
Bob Hostetler
Robynne Miller
Annette Whipple

Adjunct Faculty

Denise Barela, Sandra Barela, Misty M. Beller,
Joanne Bischof, Robin Currie, Teddi Deppner,
Rachel Dodge, Ian Feavearyear, Nick Harrison,
David M. Hyde, Tara Johnson, Jill Osborne,
Courtnaye Richard, Stephanie Rousselle,
Rachel G. Scott, Mary Snyder, Carrie Talbott

View the full lineup, with bios